Thursday, June 9, 2011

Its getting hot out here!

Please don't take off your clothes.  The people around may look at you funny if you did.  Or maybe they wouldn't?  In fact, go ahead, take 'em off.  You can thank me later for the good time you are about to have.

So anyway, its regularly hitting the high 90s around here in the StL.  Add 80% humidity and what you have is me melting into a puddle of sweaty goo around mile two.  Awesome.  I am officially in my (extended) training schedule, meaning the marathon is 20 weeks away.  Nice.

As mentioned last post, today I wanted to touch on the topic of running with other people.  Running buddies, if you will, but don't.  To me, running with other people can be a mixed bag.  On one hand, the company can be nice to have and keep you motivated to continue on.  On the other hand, if you run with someone who is much faster, or much slower than you, it can be detrimental. 

If you are the slower runner, your options are to try to run faster - wearing yourself out quicker and possibly getting angry at the faster runner for being better, or to force the faster runner to match your speed - ultimately feeling bad for holding them back.  If you are the faster runner, you can slow down - resenting your partner for hindering your run, or keep your pace - and ultimately have to carry the heaving, wheezing, lump of quivering muscles that your friend will become.

Sure, this portrayal may be slightly dramatic, but the idea behind it is a solid one.  I remember when Susan and I were starting our half marathon training way back when.  At first, we would run together and all was good.  Over time, my pace improved.  When I would run alone I would feel like I had really good runs.  When running with Susan, I didn't feel like I was getting all I could out of my run.

This weekend I plan on running with my friend Jamie (@speedymick).  Jamie is a much better runner than I.  He's in much better shape and has already run one marathon (not to his full ability, true).  He probably weighs 50 lbs and a strong wind would blow him away.  My pace the past few weeks has been lacking, so this may end up being a painful run.  Hopefully I don't slow him down too much.  Probably will.  Either way, we will be two hot and sweaty dudes.


1 comment:

Jamie said...

If your next post doesn't start off similar to how this one ended (ie: "We were two hot and sweaty dudes in need of protein satiation"), I will be horribly disappointed.