Thursday, July 14, 2011

June Roundup (yeah, I know its a little late)

Alas, poor blog, I have been ignoring you so.  I apologize, don't be mad.  I'll make it up to you.  I'll buy you something pretty.

I know we are knee deep into July, but I feel the need to reflect on last month.  It was definitely a full month, and I cannot believe how quickly it went by.  For that matter, I cannot believe it is already July 14th, but that is for another time.  Easy there people, you're getting ahead of yourselves.

In June we officially gave up on trying to sell our house in Ohio.  It had been on and off the market for a year and a half.  Since June of last year it has been vacant, meaning we were literally throwing money away paying for utilities, jacked up insurance (because it was vacant), and mortgage.  I used a recommendation from one of my friends who rented her house when she moved, and hired a property manager.  One week after hiring them to find a renter and manage our property, a renter had been found.  By late June, they had moved in.  The heavens rejoiced.  Sure, there have been a couple of minor headaches since then, but we've already seen positive cash flow.  And that is all that really matters, money.

June also brought our 1 year anniversary of moving back to St. Louis.  While we are extremely happy to be back with our friends and family here, and I love my job, there are times that we really miss Columbus.  Renting our house was bittersweet.  We loved that house, even though it had many imperfections.  Now when we visit Columbus, we'll either have to get a hotel or ask to sleep on someones couch.

Training-wise, June was an up and down month.  Mid-June I officially began my marathon training.  My mileage for June was nearly the exact same as May (0.1 mile less).  It should have been more, but I blame the blistering heat.  Actually I blame the humidity.  Or just overall lack of training.  Likely a combination.  I really love my Garmin Forerunner that I received for Father's day/Birthday.  I found a way to upload the data to Runkeeper to keep Jamie happy.  The poor sap is lost without me.

I've realized that my overall life is relatively boring, and there isn't much to write about on a regular basis.  I'll try to do better with updates, but my posts are much more likely to be mundane and boring.  Unlike this one, which is frickin' gold.
